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What are Trap and Skeet?
Registration Form
Payment Options
Banquet Registration
About Us
What are Trap and Skeet?
Registration Form
Payment Options
Banquet Registration
Spring 2025 Registration
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Date of Birth
Shirt Size
Are you a returning shooter?
Students Email
Student Phone Number
Student Address
Parent/Guardian 1 First Name
Parent/Guardian 1 Last name
Parent/Guardian 1 Email
Parent/Guardian 1 Phone Number
Parent/Guardian 2 First Name
Parent/Guardian 2 Last Name
Parent/Guardian 2 Email
Parent/Guardian 2 Phone Number
Emergency Contact
Parent/Guardian 1
Parent/Guardian 2
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Emergency Contact Relationship
Medical Insurance Information
Medical Insurance Information
Medical Insurance Information
Medical Insurance Information
Medical Information
Physician and Clinic Information
Physician and Clinic Information
Physician and Clinic Information
Lettering Policy
Academic Eligibility: The Minnesota State High School League policy states that to be eligible for the participation in MSHSL activities, one must be making satisfactory progress towards graduation. Lettering Requirements: To be eligible for the Coon Rapids High School Trap lettering program, the student athlete must meet the following criteria: Athlete must be a student who: Attends Coon Rapids High School. Attends a Charter school with CRHS being the home school. Is Home schooled with CRHS being the home school. Attends another Anoka Hennepin School that does not have a Trap or Skeet team. Athlete must abide by all school and district rules, policies and procedures concerning student activities including, but not limited, attendance, conduct, and academic eligibility. Athlete must not have any unexcused absences during the season for any reason and be on time to the designated shooting time. Any one of the following: Athlete must have averaged a score of 20 or more points per round in a competition at the end of the season. A score of 25 during the practice or competition weeks. Coaches reserve the right to present letter awards to exceptional students for showing performance and commitment that prove to be above and beyond expectations.
I/We have read and agree to the above Lettering Requirements
League Rules and Requirements
These requirements are subject to change and questions should be forwarded to the head coach for clarification Firearms Safety Certification: Students may obtain their firearms safety certificate in a classroom or online followed by field training to obtain their valid certificate. Athletes may participate if they have a certificate from a different state. The Head Coach is responsible for ensuring that each registered athlete’s firearms safety training certificate is valid and the team has a readable copy on file. Shotgun & Ammunition Transportation All students and coaches will follow state law and their school’s policy regarding shotguns and ammunition. Shotguns and ammunition are picked up at home and brought to gun club by parents or students. Some shooting ranges may have secured firearm storage available. Safe Gun Handling All shotguns must have the action open and contain no live or empty shells at any time, except while the shooter is on the station. A break open gun’s action may be closed when it is in a gun rack but it shall not contain a live or empty shell. When Not Shooting All shotguns will be carried with the action open and must be pointed in a safe direction down range. Student athletes will place their shotguns on a designated gun rack. Immediately after shooting a student athlete’s shotgun should either be placed back onto the gun rack or cased and returned to the athlete’s vehicle. Shotguns Student athletes are required to supply their own shotgun. All types of smooth-bore shotguns, including semi-automatics, may be used provided their caliber does not exceed 12 gauge. All guns should be equipped (ie: shell catcher on a pump-action shotgun), fitted and utilized so as not to eject empty shells in a manner that substantially disturbs or interferes with other student athletes. The student athlete cannot: Use a shotgun with any form of “release” trigger actions. Use slings or straps on a shotgun. Change a properly functioning gun or parts of shotgun in the same round. Use devices fitted to the shotgun that have magnifying, light emitting, or give visual enhancement of the target. Ammunition restrictions All student athletes must use factory ammunition. A student athlete cannot use: Reloaded cartridges. Any load other than lead shot. Tracers, copper and nickel coated shot. Any load heavier than 3 dram equivalent of powder. Loads containing more than 1-1/8 oz. of shot. Loads with a velocity greater than 1200 FPS (Feet Per Second). Gun clubs may have different ammunition regulations than listed above and their regulations supersedes any League requirements. Eye & Ear Protection All athletes and coaches are responsible for proper eye and ear protection while on any part of the range. Attire Each student athlete will promote a positive image by wearing appropriate attire during all events. Prohibited items include: Clothing that exposes any part of the torso, including but not limited to, cutoff t-shirts, halter tops, tank tops, etc. Short shorts and low riding shorts or pants revealing undergarments or buttocks. Flip-flops or opened-toed shoes/sandals. Any clothing with pictures, caricatures, designs, messages, writings, or other embellishments with direct or indirect references to alcohol, tobacco, sex or sexual connotations, drugs, gambling or profanities. Foot Pads Athletes are not allowed to rest muzzles on their feet and should not use any type of foot pads. Magnetic muzzle pads are allowed if placed on the ground. Inclement Weather In the event of inclement weather before or during League events, coaches should make safety their first priority. When lightning is observed or thunder is heard, the event must be suspended. The occurrence of lightning or thunder is not subject to interpretation or discussion. Lightning is lightning; thunder is thunder. Athletes and support personnel shall be moved to appropriate indoor facilities. Athletes shall not return to the field until lightning has been absent from the local sky and thunder has not been heard for 30 minutes. Spectators shall be advised of the action being taken to seek shelter. If the event is cancelled, the event may be rescheduled within the same week or the Reserve Week score must be used.
I/We have read and agree with the above League Rules and Requirements
Code of Conduct
As a member of the Coon Rapids High School Trap & Skeet Team you understand that you have been given a unique privilege to participate in this High School Sport. • You will promise to follow all of the rules as outlined by the State High School Trap League and those that the Club, School and District have adopted. • You will be respectful of all your fellow team members and coaching staff at all time and represent the school with pride and integrity whenever I am participating in a High School Trap League event or activity. • You are required to maintain and wear the assigned Team’s uniform anytime that you are competing with the team or while attending any Team and League events unless otherwise directed by my Teams leadership. • Athletes and Parents will respect their Coaches and follow their direction. Athletes and Parents understand that they need to follow this direction especially during our League events at all times for Safety reasons to protect all Athletes, Coaches, Volunteers and Spectators. • I promise to make Safety the Number One Priority whenever I am handling a firearm. • I will not bring any firearms or ammunition on any school property. • Courtesy and Sportsmanship go hand in hand with safety to create a safe and fun environment. They also portray our sport in the best possible light within our school and the greater community. There will be a strong emphasis on the value of team unity, sportsmanship, and hard work. Every player will have an important role to play. A critical part of being a good team is everyone knowing their role, and performing it to the best of their ability. Trap Shooting is a fun sporting competition that is an once-in-a-lifetime experience which we hope you enjoy and take with you well into your future as adults. • Along with the safety rules the following conduct and sportsmanship rules will be strictly enforced: 1. Blatant violations of safety rules, discourteous behavior including heckling, bullying, trash talking, temper tantrums or disobedience of directions from coaching staff will result in immediate removal from the trap line and possibly club grounds, with further disciplinary actions at the discretion of the Head Coach. 2. A second violation will result in expulsion from the team and forfeiture of shooting fees paid. This will be at the discretion of the Head Coach, whose decision will be final. 3. The Minnesota State High School Clay Target League (MSHSCTL) has specific rules regarding appropriate attire and conduct as well. You are expected to abide by the Leagues Policies and Procedures To review more information can be found at the leagues website: • Any misuse or violation of these rules could result in suspension of your shooting privileges with the team and possible permanent removal from the team’s roster. COMPLAINT POLICY •If at any time you feel a complaint needs to be made, please contact Coach Joe Caminati. We want to ensure that the needs and safety of the athletes are met. If you feel you cannot approach Coach Caminati, please contact the School Adviser Mr. Klein . If for some reason the issue cannot be resolved, please contact CRHS Activities Director.
I/We have read and agree with the above Code of Conduct.